Don't trust any of those California politicians their democrats they lie,they just want to get their greedy hands on government money.I repeat Don't trust them at all.

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Thank you!!! Newscum and Karen Bass are complicit!!! See: C40.ORG

Why did Newsom destroy all the dams in October? Trump already told him years ago to clean up the forest floor. There’s just too much proof out there!!

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Trump took command

Owners go on site tonight

Begin the clean up

Bass agreed

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Karen Bass won't do what Trump wants. She will make them wait. She is putting on a,show. As soon as,he leaves these home owners will be back waiting. Newscum won't release the water. They WON'T DO WHAT TRUMP SAID

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We'll see who puts the screws to them harder, Trump or the WEF. They can only keep destroying CA for so long, before even thick-skulled Californians will be forced to face the obvious. I think the fires have pushed them pretty close.

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Lies!!🤔 like little children You can't leave them without supervision!🤣

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Her newson want to pocket the money first before they start helping the residents who actually need help.

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Who is writing this???????????? They can not even spell or use spellcheck!!!!!!!!!

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As a tax payer I don't want to be stuck with the bill for this. I can't afford anymore. Seize the assets of the rich elites that caused this. The Woke idiots NEWSCUM, Bidon, Harris, the 3 letter government agencies. Period!

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Before they steal donations, like everything else!

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Exactly! Have THEM pay for 1st and match their donation!😝

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Politicians. Can you say pick pocket! White collar crime. Trump has plans, he said NOW!

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President Trump was Great in California set everyone straight especially the Mayor and a senator fema needs to be eliminated the

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Yes ! Change Them asap b4 ruin anything else!🙏😇

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Good for Residents, but got to fix problems not to have carousel effect!🤣😇

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On the local ABC news affiliate they “Fact checked” Trump by saying “Trere is no large facet in Canada too turn on” apparently they wanted Trump too spend an hour explaining the process of moving water from the northern part of our country too my bathtub

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Karen Bass truly is


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