And after all that disgusting display by the Dems last night we wake up to the Supreme Court usurping the power of a duly elected President. It is an overreach of their power and it has to be stopped.
I am not American but I follow you guys south of the border every day. So, I was reading a few weeks ago that the Judges are not there forever if they don't do the right thing or fulfill their position honestly and honorably. So yes they can be impeached, if that is the correct term used in your constitution.
The douchbag Dem-o-krap's showed themselves to be the pathetic, sick lemming sheep 🐑 they have become!
The Cancer Patient honoree moment was powerfully demonstrative of their collective insensitivity & TDS hateful souls.
For me, Nancy the PIGlosi's dour face was a perfect metaphor of their collective depravity, what you would expect to see if she had just taken a big bite of A $HIT Sandwhich!
The Party of Joy- NOT SO MUCH
Perhaps, now they know how common sense American's felt the last four years🤔
Last night, the Dems showed the American people how to behave like spoiled children. That's the only thing they've succeeded at within the last four years. Good job!
Satan the devil has control of these Democrat or socialist people. Their Hatred is the works of the flesh.
Love is the fruit of the Spirit, so is peace, longsuffering, kindness, self-control, and joy.
You know if one cannot control ones mind and bring it back to a God centered mind and life, one can completely be taken over by bitterness that can ruin one's mind and life. There is NO hope for these people, unless they repent of their ways. For they don't act human anymore. Very sad.
Texas democrats need to wake up and demand that their party at least put PATRIOTS on the ballot . They need to root out the deep democrat elitists and replace them with those that at least have some common sense . Green embarrassed the party and the country and should be expelled from congress . Every democrat who failed to rise for the people that Pres Trump offered the Sympathy of the country for the deaths of their loved ones , the courage of a little boy with cancer , and the appointment to West Point of the son of an American Hero . It is time for the Party of my Youth and middle age needs to do some soul searching and decide if they are Party Members or PATRIOTS . In this day and age it seems impossible to have both traits in our members of congress . The Elitists like Nancy Pelosi had no trouble supporting legislation to close businesses during covid and yet had no problem calling her hair dresser to get her own hair done while other women in her district were forced to do their own as best they could . Why would any Californian vote for her ever again ? Every democrat needs to face primary challengers who are actual Patriots and not politicians . Over the last 4 years , several republicans crossed over and voted for legislation that was not all together to their liking but they did it for US . The democrats have no such feeling of PATRIOTICSM . They need to be KICKED OUT by the voters in their districts since they saw on National TV what these Scoundrels actually stand for and it is not We The People . Their failure to stand for a remembrance of the 13 Fallen in the botched Afghan Withdrawal shows how little respect for our Military and their families they have . Is this the kind of people we REALLY want to represent US ? Last night should show all of us , that they only care for their own POWER and wealth and all we are to them are PEEEEOOONS and should kneel at their feet .
I wish they did self implode but still too many indoctrinated and hate filled Americans are still in the demonic Democrat cult
Last night's Speech on Hope for America showed the democrats are like last gaspers, hanging on to something that is lifeless and Godless.
I thought some of them looked poorly embalmed, they are so old and so unhappy looking.
Truly a Sickening Display from the Democrats Last night! Ray Charles could see they have no Heart or Soul! Disgusting!! Barf!
Beyond despicable, ruthless and heartless. Their hatred of Trump overtook their souls .
And their hate for America !
And after all that disgusting display by the Dems last night we wake up to the Supreme Court usurping the power of a duly elected President. It is an overreach of their power and it has to be stopped.
The country needs a way to impeach judges and replace those that are political activists .
I am not American but I follow you guys south of the border every day. So, I was reading a few weeks ago that the Judges are not there forever if they don't do the right thing or fulfill their position honestly and honorably. So yes they can be impeached, if that is the correct term used in your constitution.
The douchbag Dem-o-krap's showed themselves to be the pathetic, sick lemming sheep 🐑 they have become!
The Cancer Patient honoree moment was powerfully demonstrative of their collective insensitivity & TDS hateful souls.
For me, Nancy the PIGlosi's dour face was a perfect metaphor of their collective depravity, what you would expect to see if she had just taken a big bite of A $HIT Sandwhich!
The Party of Joy- NOT SO MUCH
Perhaps, now they know how common sense American's felt the last four years🤔
Bill So Ca
Last night, the Dems showed the American people how to behave like spoiled children. That's the only thing they've succeeded at within the last four years. Good job!
Satan the devil has control of these Democrat or socialist people. Their Hatred is the works of the flesh.
Love is the fruit of the Spirit, so is peace, longsuffering, kindness, self-control, and joy.
You know if one cannot control ones mind and bring it back to a God centered mind and life, one can completely be taken over by bitterness that can ruin one's mind and life. There is NO hope for these people, unless they repent of their ways. For they don't act human anymore. Very sad.
They just want Trump and America to fail, that's all they stand for. Kind of like domestic terrorists.
They just want Trump and America to fail. Like terrorists. They should never win another election after this!
Texas democrats need to wake up and demand that their party at least put PATRIOTS on the ballot . They need to root out the deep democrat elitists and replace them with those that at least have some common sense . Green embarrassed the party and the country and should be expelled from congress . Every democrat who failed to rise for the people that Pres Trump offered the Sympathy of the country for the deaths of their loved ones , the courage of a little boy with cancer , and the appointment to West Point of the son of an American Hero . It is time for the Party of my Youth and middle age needs to do some soul searching and decide if they are Party Members or PATRIOTS . In this day and age it seems impossible to have both traits in our members of congress . The Elitists like Nancy Pelosi had no trouble supporting legislation to close businesses during covid and yet had no problem calling her hair dresser to get her own hair done while other women in her district were forced to do their own as best they could . Why would any Californian vote for her ever again ? Every democrat needs to face primary challengers who are actual Patriots and not politicians . Over the last 4 years , several republicans crossed over and voted for legislation that was not all together to their liking but they did it for US . The democrats have no such feeling of PATRIOTICSM . They need to be KICKED OUT by the voters in their districts since they saw on National TV what these Scoundrels actually stand for and it is not We The People . Their failure to stand for a remembrance of the 13 Fallen in the botched Afghan Withdrawal shows how little respect for our Military and their families they have . Is this the kind of people we REALLY want to represent US ? Last night should show all of us , that they only care for their own POWER and wealth and all we are to them are PEEEEOOONS and should kneel at their feet .
The Democratic of JFK died long ago , these so-called democrats are just political gangsters.
Unbelievably pathetic
Where’s the General Flynn interview from Monday?