I love Eric Billing I'm so glad he's in RAV

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Good job, Eric.

Keep charging Truth forward !

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democRATs are a SHIT STAIN on The USA. Traitors on the take. The problem today is there are democRATs on both sides of the aisle. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain #FreedomIsNotFree #MAGA2MEGA

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Stupid Democrats 😝 repent b4 to late🫣

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Eric, Perfect description of democratic party of total azz holes like Adam Schiff !

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I love this guy! Keep it up RAV!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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We have struggled to comprehend this situation of Elon and his 20 something hackers at the treasury., I think we have struggled to describe what we were witnessing. It was an act of war by Trump/Elon/Russia against America. That’s what we all saw. We saw America being attacked.

Trump is working with Russia/Putin to destroy America. This is the start of WWIII. We need to name it. We have been attacked.

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